2021 Grant Recipients
In 2021, the enduring impact of the pandemic was devastating for the economic, physical and mental health of the Asian and Pacific Islander community. The community was also hit particularly hard as the pandemic …
In 2021, the enduring impact of the pandemic was devastating for the economic, physical and mental health of the Asian and Pacific Islander community. The community was also hit particularly hard as the pandemic …
Given the needs and challenges our community was facing, the Asian Pacific Fund launched a two-year Emerging Needs Initiative focused on addressing the most pressing emerging needs in the Asian and Pacific Islander (API) community. We partnered …
Capacity building and civic engagement efforts continue to be among the toughest areas to secure funding. Asian Pacific Fund decided to fund a second cycle of grants to address these needs. The capacity building …
A summary of results from our 2014-16 Capacity Building & Civic Engagement Initiative, including past grantees, is provided below.
2014-2016 Grant Recipients:
Asian & Pacific Islander Wellness Center – $20,000 to transform from a …
We reached out to some affiliate organizations to hear what their greatest needs are. Though these organizations work in many areas of service, we found that underserved youth in the Bay Area face some of the most …
2011 grants supported by the annual campaign focused on newer Asian immigrants and emerging problems. Affiliate agencies requested assistance for working with Burmese, Mongolian, Himalayan, and Cambodian populations, many of which have poverty rates …
Many agencies have experienced budget cuts from government funding at the state and local level, and half of our affiliate agencies expect a drop in funding. At the same time, agencies …
California has been one of the states hardest hit by the economic downturn, and Asian communities have been particularly impacted. More than 400,000 Asian and Pacific Islander Americans filed for unemployment insurance in …
Childhood obesity has been a growing problem in the US, even among Asian communities. The percentage of Asian American kids in California who are at risk of becoming overweight has risen faster …