Heather’s Story

“In middle school I began cutting myself, and I was seriously considering killing myself a lot of times. I’m so grateful to CYC, my dragon boat team, my coaches and my team members because they have helped me a lot. Honestly, I would not be here if it weren’t for them.”

 Heather W., Community Youth Center of San Francisco Program Participant

Heather’s life changed when she found the Community Youth Center of San Francisco. Like so many of our less fortunate, she found an essential lifeline at a local community nonprofit. The Asian Pacific Fund works with more than 70 organizations that serve the Bay Area’s most vulnerable Asian and Pacific Islander community members. They tackle issues as diverse as poverty, mental health, domestic violence, educational attainment, access to healthcare and immigration. In the past year, we distributed nearly $750,000 in grants and scholarships to address these types of vital community needs.

We invite you to learn more about our work, our supporters, and hope that you’ll consider making a tax-deductible gift that will make a lasting impact.