Half Moon Bay Anniversary: Honoring and Supporting the Affected Community One Year Later

On January 23, the Asian Pacific Fund joined our partners to honor and remember the lives lost to the tragic Half Moon Bay shooting. A year after the events that took place one year ago, the Asian and Latino communities continue to come together in support of the families whose lives were forever changed that day.

During the Half Moon Bay cross-sector leaders roundtable, hosted by the Latino Community Foundation and the Ayudando Latinos A Soñar, gathered leaders from nonprofits, government, and community to share how we can continue moving forward in light of this tragedy, identify the lingering challenges, and offer solutions, particularly for philanthropy and government, on how we can continue to support the affected community.

Last year, we established the Half Moon Bay Support Fund and, within a month, raised $90,000 to support the affected families. We also partnered with the Latino Community Foundation to provide grants to six nonprofit organizations working to support the Half Moon Bay farm workers and their families.
Thank you to all our partners and the Asian and Latino communities for standing as one as we help the families heal amidst tragedy.