Announcement of APF Leadership Transition

As we usher in 2025, we share important news that our President and Executive Director, Carolyn Wang Kong, is leaving the APF to embark on a new role at one of the nation’s largest philanthropic organizations. After two impactful years of amplifying APF’s presence in the non-profit world, Carolyn is moving into the newly created position of Chief Strategic Officer at The California Endowment, where she will work to make California a healthier place for all, including the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) community.
During her tenure with us, Carolyn shaped and launched APF’s new strategic plan to make transformative changes to the inequities that keep many AANHPIs marginalized and underserved. She led with a powerful and thoughtful voice on local, statewide, and national issues. In partnership with our dedicated board and staff and our generous donors, Carolyn’s visionary work significantly strengthened APF’s role in the following ways:
- Evolving from a community foundation to a systems change funder: APF is deepening our investments in mental health to be followed by economic security and language access.
- Securing our first-ever county contract: APF received a $1M commitment to expand community-based mental health support for AANHPI communities in Alameda County.
- Responding rapidly and effectively in crisis: APF established the post-election Rapid Response Fund to provide immediate support to affiliates working on the frontlines with at-risk members of our community. Our Half Moon Bay Support Fund raised $90,000 in just one month to support the affected community following the tragic shooting.
- Strengthening our role as a thought leader and changemaker: Carolyn represented APF in meaningful conversations, participated in a White House roundtable on gun violence, and advocated for APF’s priority issues, such as language access.
- Setting APF’s new direction: We developed a new mission and values statement along with a Theory of Change to pave the way for APF’s future work.
As 2025 begins, APF is poised to build on these successes while remaining steadfast in our mission to uplift the lives of AANHPIs across the Bay Area by mobilizing resources to drive positive change and create an inclusive, thriving society.
The next President and Executive Director of APF will have an even greater opportunity to drive positive change in our AANHPI community. Our Executive Committee is embarking on a formal search process, and a job announcement will follow. In the interim, APF Director of Community Initiatives & Grantmaking Tavae Samuelu and APF Director of Development Gurpreet Tung will serve as Co-Interim Executive Directors. Their deep knowledge of APF’s mission and programs will ensure a smooth transition.
We are grateful to Carolyn for her outstanding leadership, vision, and dedication during her time with us. On January 13, she begins her new position at The California Endowment, where her unwavering commitment to the AANHPI community will continue. Please take a moment to read Carolyn’s personal message and join us in recognizing her remarkable contributions while congratulating her on her new chapter.
Warmest regards,

Tom Cole
Board Chair