AANHPI Summit 2024: Reclaiming & Redefining Our Mental Health

The Asian Pacific Fund’s annual AANHPI Summit, currently in its fifth iteration, is an opportunity to engage across often siloed sectors – nonprofit, corporate, media, government, and philanthropy – to highlight pressing needs and promising solutions that can positively impact the well-being of the Bay Area AANHPI community.
Building on the 2023 Summit‘s theme of racial justice, this year, we are looking at how racism impacts the mental wellness of AANHPIs and exploring innovative strategies for removing barriers to access, destigmatizing treatment, and building a culture of healing and connection.
The Summit focuses on mental health because our community has identified it as a priority issue. Whether it’s due to stigma, cultural barriers, or lack of healthcare access and culturally appropriate services, AANHPI adults are the racial group least likely to seek mental health services – 3 times less likely than their white counterparts. We also know that mental health and well-being look and feel different in our communities, yet we are often excluded from studies, narratives, and decision-making tables that impact our well-being.
This Summit is an intervention grounded in the belief that our communities have the answers to our most daunting problems, including mental health and well-being.
The Summit will help our participants to:
- Develop a shared understanding of what mental health looks like in the AANHPI community – what influences and drives mental health, what heals and creates mental well-being.
- Gain knowledge and insight on community-driven mental health interventions and prevention strategies for AANHPIs.
- Form meaningful connections that could lead to ongoing collective visioning and action.
- Have a venue for our community to heal, listen, and share.
Stay tuned for the program agenda and the announcement of our Summit speakers.
We are thrilled to be hosted by one of our affiliates, the Oakland Asian Cultural Center. We chose this location in the heart of Oakland Chinatown because of its historical significance and continued role as a site for cultural celebration and healing.
Thursday, June 6, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.